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[Evelyn Mervine] "8th Interview with my Dad, a Nuclear Engineer, about the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, Disaster in Japan" (18th Mar)

Um, I wish I could give a really good answer. But, I'm just gonna have to give a general answer, because, um, you know I don't have the information as to how much radiation and radio activity has been released ...

But, by no means, are we out of the woods, so, you know, we could have something, um, go wrong or get even worse and have more radiation and radio activity released to the environment, so, we don't have a complete-picture.

たとえ 開発に かかわった 技術者であっても -- 逆に そうした 技術者だからこそ -- 正確な 情報が 与えられてなければ、責任をもって 見通しを 語ることは できない、と いうことだろうか ...